June in Sardinia: the pink flamingo show
Northeastern Sardinia

June in Sardinia: the pink flamingo show

Sardinia has been the ideal habitat for pink flamingos for years: in June pink clouds cover the sky and ponds of rare beauty.

May and June are the most exciting months of the year to observe pink flamingos: in fact, during this period these wonderful birds nest, coloring ponds and marshy areas scattered throughout the Sardinian territory pink.

In Sardinian they are called Sa Genti Arrubia and in June birdwatchers, professional photographers and many families with children travel to Sardinia to observe them in the sky during their crossing as they move from one area of Sardinia to another in search of wetlands rich in crustaceans , their favorite food!

However, you need to know the strategic points to be able to spot them and enjoy a truly unique show.
Even children and teenagers love to observe and photograph the migration show, as they usually move in quite large groups and the show is truly breathtaking.

However, let's remember to be careful and not to scare them because, although they move in large flocks and have a very sociable appearance, they are very shy and shy.

When is the best time to see pink flamingos in Sardinia?

Every season in Sardinia is a show and when it comes to pink flamingos every season has its own peculiarities.

The activities of the flamingos follow the seasons: in winter it is possible to find them in small groups around the island, including the Cabral pond, Santa Giusta and the Chia lagoon.
Spring is the mating season, they chase each other and perform the dance of love: the males try to conquer the females with an elegant and musical choreography.

Summer is instead the nesting period, a cycle that begins at the end of May and ends in October.
In autumn, the bright colors of the pink flamingos spread across the blue skies as they migrate to warmer places.

In June, the pink flamingo show in Sardinia

All year round it is possible to observe small groups of flamingos that populate the various areas of Sardinia, even in winter when they rest while awaiting spring and the reproductive season.
But late spring, between the end of May and June, is the most exciting period of the year to observe their dancing movements: in this period these wonderful birds are particularly lively, coloring ponds and marshes scattered throughout the Sardinian territory.

There are several ideal places to discover them:

  • Oristano, Cabras and other ponds
  • Olbia in the area of Poltu Quadu, Murta Maria and San Teodoro
  • Orosei in the Sa Curcurica
  • Chia
  • Cagliari

Shellfish are his favorite food

The marked areas are the favorites of pink flamingos because they are rich in their favorite food: Artemia salina, small crustaceans which, thanks to their red pigment, give the plumage the unmistakable pink hue of flamingos.

An urban oasis in the Gulf of Olbia

The Poltu Quadu district, in the innermost area of the gulf, amidst houses, rocks and bushes, bursts into the beauty and elegance of pink flamingos and is always a great emotion.
These large birds have been part of the Olbia urban landscape for many years and never cease to amaze anyone who meets them.
Bird watchers and photographers flock to admire the wild life in the heart of the city, but many tourists also come, especially in spring, to experience this wonderful spectacle up close.

The Gulf of Olbia is like a deep fjord and has a lagoon character in the last stretch: the flamingos have made their base in this area.
To protect the local fauna and safeguard this beauty, the Municipality of Olbia has decided to create a municipal park in this area, complete with cycle paths, paths, meadows and even birdwatching stations.

June at Villa Castànza with pink flamingos

Many guests of Villa Castànza come in the spring to watch the great show of pink flamingos.
Small colonies of pink flamingos can be seen all year round although the best time to see the migration is May/June.

A few kilometers from Villa Castànza there are various observation sites - Murta Maria, San Teodoro, Olbia - where it is possible to capture these marvelous birds, as demonstrated by some amateur videos recorded in the area.

June in Sardinia: the pink flamingo show